ChemStream, an innovative chemical R&D company, is specialized in translating material problems in sustainable formulations with focus on nano-dispersions, functional coatings and inkjet inks. Our team of top research scientists can rely on a more than 20 years experience in application driven and customized product development.
ChemStream, has its own lab facilities for chemical synthesis and formulation research from the design phase to prototype scale.Our chemical and technological expertise, combined with advanced computer methodology and in house analytical tools, guarantees a scientific approach towards a totally integrated solution.


Sustainable innovation is not only the key factor to generate a competitive position and to guarantee a continuous growth of industrial companies but it is also the basic platform to stimulate creativity and to increase welfare within a society.
ChemStream believes that this process must be supported and driven by a dynamic R&D and technological approach based on shared competences in a framework of temporal alliances between research centres, system and process integrators, industrial partners and universities.
ChemStream aims to be your dynamic partner to develop and synthesise new bio-based building blocks and to introduce innovative, sustainable chemical formulations and/or technologies. Therefore, we are member of several consortia dealing with innovative R&D projects, funded by VLAIO (Vlaams Agentschap voor innoveren en ondernemen) and the European Commission (Horizon 2020).

Catalisti, the cluster for Chemistry and Plastics, will primarily serve companies in Flanders by building partnerships between individual companies as well as with research institutions, sector associations and governments. Collaborations with multiple companies help to reduce risks and increase the changes of successful market introduction of new products, processes or services. As full member of the Catalisty Board of Directors, ChemStream is an active partner in several funded innovation projects: CHITINSECT, MAIA, EnzymASE,…